Thursday, February 20, 2014

Blog #3 This is only 17 days late. It could have been worse...

Hello, all. Late blog is pretty late despite what the title says.

Anyways, sometimes I lack the motivation to do this kind of stuff because I like to make myself believe that I work better in the chaos that is my mind. This stuff is actually helpful though and I have to remind myself to keep up with these things.

Now, here I will talk about the wonderful adventure I had in searching for some sources. I say that with the utmost sarcasm.

Suddenly, I regret picking my topic.

At first, using terms like "Raising kids around technology" didn't yield many results so I had to take my prompt and really think about what it was that I wanted to find out in order to get some results.

I typed things that dealt with behavioral problems linked with an excess time spent in front of the television and similar electronics, including cellphones.

This is where it became difficult to find just the right sources. First of all, there were a lot of unrelated sources to sift through in order to get just the right ones and even then, it was hard to look for something that didn't make me seem like a hypocrite since I'm an avid video gamer myself.

Come to think of it, it wouldn't really have mattered in the end, but it made me feel guilty, personally.

Instead, I chose the sources that focused on the effects that electronics had on the development of young children and technology's role in desensitizing growing kids to things that people from my generation, and definitely those older than me, would never have been exposed to.

The things I learned and read were actually pretty interesting. While I already knew that the minds of developing babies were like sponges, the articles I read, emphasized the importance of human contact.

And like many mothers have probably articulated before, video games are actually pretty bad sometimes, but it goes without saying that this is why they have ratings that insist certain games not be bought for kids. I mean, I wouldn't buy my twelve year old Gears of War.

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